2025 Pink Run (Feb 8)

The annual Pink Run 5K and Walk benefiting Fore Her returns to The Village of Baytowne Wharf on Saturday, February 8 beginning at 8:30 A.M.

This lively and memorable event includes a timed-5k Race, Walk, Survivor Stroll and After Party, complete with DJ, photo booth, a sampling of delectable bites, prizes and more! All participants are encouraged to “pink out” while racing or walking with family and friends for this tremendous cause. Register and find more information at foreher.org/pinkrun.

Join us for the Pink Run a 5K presented by Emerald Coast Hospice benefiting Fore Her! Walk or run with your friends and family on February 8, 2025!

Wear your PINK and have fun while raising funds for breast cancer patients currently undergoing treatment and in financial need. Participants will enjoy a Breast Cancer Survivors’ Stroll, an after-party with music, a photo booth, food, prizes and more!